The Mediterranean Coast Trail
Project for a coast trail around the Mediterranean Sea - Text and images: Journalist Frits Ahlefeldt
The Mediterranean Coastal trail project ( 10.000+km. / 6.000+ miles )
Coastal path around the Mediterranean Sea
Text by Frits Ahlefeldt,
The coastline around the Mediterranean Sea is arguably one of the most intensely cultural paths on the planet. Along the shores huge empires has risen and fallen continuously, strong cultures have competed in building one of the most diverse and busy melting pots of styles, thoughts, architecture, innovations, architecture, gourmet and fashion since around 2000 BC.
The Mediterranean Sea has been one of the most important centers of human thoughts and cultures since the invention of the wheel, and the first melting of metals. Democracy was invented here, so was red wine, mathematics, western philosophy and opera.
A walk around the shores of the Mediterranean Sea is a long walk. More than 10.000 Km. is a quick estimate. A walk that will take the hiker through more than 20 countries, including: Gibraltar (United Kingdom) , Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Monaco, Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.
No official Mediterranean Coastal Trail yet
It’s a bit surprising there is yet no official coastal trail ( at least EU trail ) around the Mediterranean Sea. The closest one gets is the European Long distance trail network. By combining a number of the European Long distance footpaths it is possible to get more or less around from Spain to Greece: